The first Japanese lawyer in NZ
Mr Junichi NISHIMURA, a principal of Rosebank Law, is the first Japan-born registered lawyer in New Zealand.
Despite the size of our small office, we have been providing numerous services especially for Japanese clients, in both New Zealand and overseas, facing difficulties in terms of language barriers as well as differences of legal system between New Zealand and Japan.
We deal with a wide range of service as follows;
- immigration (Temporary visa, Resident visa, deportation matter, appeal to IPT),
- conveyancing of property and businesses,
- creating will,
- probate and letters of administration,
- family relationship cases (child and relationship property),
- employment matters, and
- criminal issues.
Depending on the importance and seriousness of a case such as family and criminal case, we provide appropriate service to our clients along with our business partner lawyers.
Lately, there has been an increase in the number of law offices in Auckland which can communicate in Japanese; however, the number of Japanese speaking lawyers is still a small minority in New Zealand and only few can explain about Japanese customs and cultures.
It is not easy to understand New Zealand laws and concepts not seen in Japanese laws, aside from English language. Given those common worries, we provide proper advice to our clients.